Reinado Internacional del Café 2012 or The International Queen of Coffee 2012 will be held January 8, 2011 - Meet the contestants
Reinado Internacional del Café 2011 Winner - Sofinel Báez from Dominican Rep
2012 Reinado Internacional del Café (International Queen of Coffee) Candidates
Reinado Internacional del Café 2012 or The International Queen of Coffee 2012 will be scheduled to take place on January 8, 2011 in Manizales, Colombia on January during the celebration of "Feria de Manizales", and was organized by Instituto de Cultura y Turismo de Manizales.
The reigning International Queen of Coffee 2011, Sofinel Baez (photo above) from the Dominican Republic will crown her successor at the end of this event.
Reinado Internacional del Café 2012 Delegates
and all sources for the information and pictures)